Author: Thomas A. Kayser

ISBN: 978-1-8785-6702-4 ISBN 978-0-0717-4062-3 (Updated Edition)

If two heads are better than one, how about a team of heads? An effective team can be more innovative than an individual. But how do you get there? Building and managing a strong, productive team is difficult and the Mining Group Gold gives you the proven tools, techniques and processes that you must use and practice al all levels of your organization to build and maintain a strong collaborative team.

Based on 30 years of work on teams and organizational development this updated classical guide shows you how to set clear goals and desired outcomes and how to plan efficient and effective meetings. It's also been updated to include the latest research and cutting-edge technology.

The Mining Group Gold features:

  • Clear, concise direction for getting the most out of a team's potential
  • Effective, practical tips for productive team meetings
  • Proven ways to foster collaboration and innovation-crucial skills for any company

Based on practical advice rather than fluff or theory, the Mining Group Gold is the essential guide to building and maintaining a strong team.