Enter the Bible is an expansive, fascinating, helpful and free resource for those who want to study the Bible and grow in their faith. If you want to understand the people, places and events of the Bible, then Enter the Bible will become an invaluable guide on your scriptural journey.

You can participate by submitting questions to engage theological experts in a feature called “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Bible but Were Afraid to Ask.”  Submit questions online and faculty at Luther Seminary will help you find answers.  

The monthly email, Enter the Bible Tips and Resources, will support you (and others in your congregation) in your study of Scripture. 
To sign up for a free account CLICK HERE.




An outstanding website with current, accessible commentaries for all of the texts for each week of the year, and an archive of past commentaries and example sermons.  A resource some of us use every week!  From Luther Seminary.


The Text This Week: Basically a clearing house for web links relevant to each Sunday of the year - you can find commentaries, sermons, art work, music suggestions, liturgical resources and videos here.


A free video sermon available each Sunday from some of North America's best preachers, based on the Lectionary, and freely available to play in your Church (although we also want to inspire you to preach your own sermons!)


  • Sermon Writer - Commentaries and past sermons for the readings each sunday.